They complement each other most beautifully, both Gemini - expressive, communicating and constantly creative! Søren with his years of experience, his never-ending flow of ideas, and his ability to create magic out of almost anything. And then Thor - educated as a production technologist and carpenter, self educated designer, entrepreneur and idea-generator, with his computer close at hand, his constant energy and his will to think out of the box…
Lace clasp
Rs. 4,500
Rose of June
Rs. 5,340
Love Conch
Rs. 4,500
Jessamine Clasp
Rs. 5,340
Clasp of Perserverance
Rs. 6,900
Lucky Knot
Rs. 3,300
Framed by Nature
Rs. 4,500
Big Flower clasp
Rs. 6,300
Power Flower Bead
Rs. 5,340
Compassion Rose
Rs. 5,340
Narcissus of December
Rs. 5,340
Foxtail clasp
Rs. 6,300
Flower Wreath
Rs. 2,340
Rs. 32,340
Chrysanthemum of November
Rs. 5,340
Trinity of the Heart Bead
Rs. 8,340
Jester's Hat Bead
Rs. 5,340
Snow Kisses Bead
Rs. 6,300
Snowblanket Clasp
Rs. 6,900
Snowflakes Bead
Rs. 4,500
Fall Flower Pendant
Rs. 6,900
Merriness Hoops
Rs. 9,540
Willful Owl
Rs. 6,300
Delicate Flower
Rs. 3,300
Joy, Peace & Love
Rs. 10,740