People's Bead Winner in 2012
The Winners of People's Bead 2012
Spiritual Collection
It is finally here! We raised the bar this year and gave you a complex theme. And you responded beautifully. The result is phenomenal.
We are proud to present 11 winners of our People’s Bead 2012 Spiritual Collection. The collection is made by new designers who represent a total of nine different nationalities, ranging from Japanese to American.
Meet them all here.

Spiritual Collection
Designer: Daniele Celani
We are all different. We think, we do and we believe in different ways. But what is common for all cultures is the spirit. Customize this bead with the stone that most reflects your soul.

Spiritual Collection
Happy Dragon
Designer: Allan Bayer
The dragon is in most ancient cultures seen as a friendly helper and a guardian of the great spiritual treasures. In China, the dragon is associated with a new beginning, growth and energy.

Spiritual Collection
Designer: Carolyn Brettell
In native America, the feather is a symbol of spiritual ascension and evolution and is used by the chiefs to symbolise their ability to communicate with the spirit world.

Spiritual Collection
Designer: Elisabetta Marini
A chain of ten small grains and a hanging Crucifix. The Ave Maria is a sweet lullaby, it is the praise song of the children for the Holy Mary.

Spiritual Collection
Spirit Light
Designer: Marta Kubesova
For many spirituality is connected with the light. Light is the beginning and also the end. Sculptured clear glass accepts and returns all rays of lights. Just as our spirits.

Spiritual Collection
Heaven's Garden
Designer: Yumi Shimizu
A beautiful and peaceful garden gives you peace in your heart. Create your own spiritual and beautiful garden by putting the beads you love around this bead.

Spiritual Collection
Chakra Colours
Designer: Jolanda J. Hos
This glass bead combines the 7 chakra colours in one bead. The different energies are swirled together, so you always have the colour and energy you need.

Spiritual Collection
Dream Catcher
Designer: Silvia Lacurto
Like with the native Americans this bead catches your dreams. It holds on to the good dreams and chases the bad dreams away through the feathers and out in the wind.

Spiritual Collection
Loving Light
Designer: Kevin Powell
The relationship between humanity and god. The crosses represent faith in god, the heart represents god's love and the star represents the light of god.

Spiritual Collection
Stay Positive
Designer: Maria af Rolén
No matter what way you turn this bead, you will always have a plus sign smiling up at you. A reminder to stay positive and focus on the good things in life.

Spiritual Collection
World Within
Designer: Linda Karusso
Outside it is reflecting the outward appearance of everything like a mirror. Inside you find the core, representing the search for inner meaning; the essence of spirituality.